Bengaluru Dt 28.09.2022 – Massive Students’ Convention to Save Public Education and Resist NEP 2020 was held in Freedom Park, Bengaluru on 28th of September. On Birth Anniversary of Great Revolutionary Shaheed E Azam Bhagat Singh, Thousands of students from across Karnataka marched towards Bengaluru along with 35 lakh signatures collected through them to submit them to Prime Minister through Chief Minister. Prof. A Murigeppa, Former Vice Chancellor of Hampi Kannada University addressed the students as Chief Guest. Com. V N Rajashekhar, All India President of AIDSO addressed the convention as Main Speaker. While Com. Ashwini KS State President of AIDSO Karnataka, addressed as a speaker. Com. Ajay Kamath, State Secretary of AIDSO Karnataka presided over the gathering. The call to Save Public Education and build a powerful students’ movement to resist NEP 2020 reverberated across the Freedom Park through the slogans and deep emotions which surged through the delegates.